Prices 15/6/16

Black Sea / FSU crops saw another week of good rainfall that countered higher than average temperatures in the east. In the west of the region rainfall was associated with cooler conditions. If the season stays wet and cool in the west it may hinder production prospects in the long run but at present it continues to set the crops up nicely. In the major wheat producing regions of central and southern Russia rain was less thus allowing the crop to take advantage of some much needed warm weather to put some growth on.
In the US, futures markets were generally softer apart from corn. Outside markets pressured the grains with equities and crude oil lower and the US dollar higher. Markets are also nervous about the Brexit vote next week.
China cleared another 1.55mt of reserve corn at an equivalent price of about US$260.79 / tonne. So about roughly export parity for us.
US corn futures were the only ray of light out there apart from chickpeas, yes chickpeas put on the equivalent of another $21 in overnight trade in the NCDEX October contract.
Corn is garnering support from a weather model predicting a hot summer in the US. The corn / HRW gap shrunk a little further overnight. SRW still holds a nearby premium over HRW futures though as crazy as it sounds.