Prices 23/06/16

The dollar is stronger against most major currencies this morning. The AUD / Euro was the least affected with the AUD up only 0.19% against the collective currency. Most punters are calling the Brexit a fizzer and believe that Britain will vote to remain in the EU while the media are telling the world it’s too close to call and to “tune in here for the result on Friday”.
The weather map in the US is a two edged sword at present. Rain forecast for the corn and soybean belt is expected to develop over the hard red wheat belt where they are busy harvesting before heading east. There are also some heavy falls expected across the Canadian Prairies but that will be more beneficial than anything to both durum and canola. These heavy falls are expected to push into N.Dakota but the US punters are calling the rainfall a negative, these guys really do slip something into their morning coffee.
There wasn’t a lot of fresh data to feed the markets last night. Fundamentally global crops continue to look pretty good. US weekly export data is out tonight and the Brexit vote will dominate the wires tomorrow.
We are still a week or two away from knowing how bad the French and German crop quality is.