Prices 21/8/17

International values appear to be trying to stabilise around current levels after falling sharply after the latest USDA data.
Overnight US futures for wheat and corn were a couple of cents either side of unchanged while soybeans enjoyed a little more upside. Canola at the ICE was firmer by C$6.70 on the Jan18 contract. The Aussie dollar is a little firmer this morning but we should still manage to see local prices hold or possibly gain in the case of oilseeds and pulses on Monday.
Rain across the US central corn belt was a little lighter than expected so we should continue to see corn supported. This may trigger some further fund buying if the weekly crop condition report doesn’t surprise everyone again on Tuesday.
Durum prices in Saskatchewan continue to vary greatly depending on location and grade. Bids as high as C$384 at the elevator were reported late in the week. This shows upside year on year of around C$130 / tonne.
The dry weather is allowing harvest to start a little earlier than usual with around 3% of the Sask durum crop now in the bin. The upside of the dry weather is quality appears to be very good at present even if yields are well back on averages.