20/11/20 Prices

Cash bids for wheat and durum out of SW Saskatchewan were flat to firmer overnight. Canola in this part of the world was the real winner though jumping C$6.42 per tonne for a December lift, a bid of C$539.05 / tonne ex farm January. Using the same basis scenario as one might use with wheat to FOB from SW Sask one could come to the conclusion that this would roughly compare to $630 port Newcastle.
Still in SW Saskatchewan we see 1CWAD13 durum was flat with a January lift priced on average at C$296.73 ex farm. This is roughly comparable to about $406 delivered Newcastle equivalent. Yesterday DR1 was bid at just $382 into the port. In 2016 the trade were consistently $20 shy of a FOB comparison using a C$115 basis to FOB, this year they still $20 shy on local cash bids using a SW Sask FOB basis of just C$100. In reality we should see Canadian Fobbing costs from SW Sask increase from here as there logistics become more difficult with winter.
Cash bids for white wheat out of the US Pacific North West were generally flat to firmer, not reflecting the move lower in USĀ soft red winter wheat or hard red winter wheat futures. Club white wheat found bids on average at US$233 per tonne CIF. Roughly equivalent to a Newcastle port price of AUD$298, only $5 over current APW1 bids.
Higher protein white wheat, 14%, was unchanged to slightly softer out of the PNW, average bids came in at US$252 CIF, which on the back of an envelope would equate to AUD$326 Newcastle port, well above current APH2 offerings which are just over AUD$300 port.
The AUD drifted to 72.51 mid-session before rallying late to close a little lower than the 73c open.