20/7/21 Prices

The weather is certainly playing it’s hand in crop development this year. Drought and heatwave conditions across the Canadian Prairies and the US spring wheat belt. Floods in parts of Europe. We are about 50mm away from a winter flood in many parts of eastern Australia if not been through a flood already. Now the Brazilian second corn crop is reported as being frosted again.
It just feels like we are a long way from being able to accurately predict crop production anywhere at present.
The USDA weekly crop progress report is out. The corn crop is 56% flowering, 8% milky dough stage. The G/E rating is stable at 65%.
US soybeans are 63% in flower, 23% podding and rated at 60% G/E, +1%. There was a little profit taking in soybean futures at Chicago last night which appears to have rolled across into the canola and rapeseed markets.
23% of the US cotton crop is setting bolls and is rated at 60% G/E, up 3% week on week. 17% of their sorghum crop is colouring and is rated at 68% G/E, back 2% on last week.
We see 73% of the winter wheat crop harvest, Kansas 96% complete, the very northern states lagging a little. Spring wheat was rated at just 11% G/E back another 5% week on week, I can hear the fat lady singing. With 92% of the spring wheat crop now in head it’s all over. The spring wheat crop in S.Dakota is rated at just 5% good, no excellent, and 70% poor to very poor.
Global spring wheat production is lower across all major producers this year, chart attached.