27/5/22 Prices

US futures were mixed, all over the place, the common trend seemed to be upward momentum in the spring sown crops to the north and in Canada, like northern US soybeans and spring and durum wheat. The hard red and soft red winter wheat values were lower as was corn.
The very wet conditions across the US eastern and central spring wheat belt and the dry conditions in parts of western Saskatchewan and Alberta continue to create delays. Parts of eastern Saskatchewan and much of southern Manitoba are also too wet.
On May 17th AAFC reported that just 4% of the projected wheat area for Manitoba had been sown. There is a little crop swapping out of row crops and into wheat and barley there as they have a shorter growing season. Combine the water logging in the east with colder than average temperatures and crops will struggle to reach anything near full potential, if / when sown this late.
In eastern N.Dakota there is talk or aerial sown canola while in the west of N.Dakota corn, soybeans and wheat are all getting sown or are in the ground by traditional methods and on time, highlighting the difference between east and west this year.
Alberta is still rated at 25% severe drought in the main wheat / canola area. All these issues are starting to make last month’s StatsCanada area projections look a little fanciful. As a rule of thumb producers call the first week of June the last week to sow cereals.
Corn getting sown in the north of the US corn belt on the 25th of May is also pretty late. With generally better weather this week we should see some good week on week progress in Tuesdays USDA crop condition report though, hence a little downside in corn futures.
Russia continues to blame western sanctions for their actions in the Black Sea, maybe Putin is getting some directions from the Depp / Heard case.