31/5/22 Prices

A quick look around the world weather. Western Saskatchewan and Alberta remain relatively dry, this is becoming an issue with the finalisation of sowing on spring wheat, in particular durum. The durum that has been sown in the drier parts of the N.American durum belt is looking for rain. While the durum acres that remain unsown because of excessive moisture in the east are now looking less and less likely to be sown this late in the window. Arizona desert durum is now being harvested and early reports indicate a good crop has been achieved.
The last 14 days has also seen excessive rainfall across eastern Kansas, bang on time for grain fill. There is talk of some possible disease and quality issue but too early to be sure. The 7 day forecast for Kansas and Oklahoma is generally wet in the east of Kansas and potentially heavy rain in Oklahoma. Wheat there is much more advanced and unlikely to benefit from heavy rain, in fact it may become an issue.
Saskatchewan is expected to remain dry while the Dakotas see further rainfall. Montana will see some helpful rain on what spring wheat / durum is sown. Central US corn belt will see further rain, potentially delaying the last of the corn and bean sowing.
The French durum region has seen little to no rain in the last 7 days and is only expected to see trace falls across the SE this week. Fortunately for the EU the week ahead is expected to see good falls across the bulk of France and Germany. France will see further rain in the north and central districts adding to totals seen in the north last week. Compounding the dry conditions in the SE of France is temperatures pushing towards 30C. Hot weather is also a potential issue in the SE durum country of Italy where conditions have also become dry.
Russia is seeing a dream season for winter wheat, much better than the political nightmare consuming the nation. Ukraine is a little dry in places with the black soil to the east a mixed bag but probably likely to be the least productive area in 2022 for a number of reasons.