12/7/23 Prices
Category: Pulses News

Global wheat futures markets were generally higher overnight. Paris milling wheat joined the push from the US and closed E2.75 higher in the Dec 23 slot. There were also good gains in both the Paris rapeseed and Winnipeg canola futures contracts. The Feb24 Paris rapeseed contract gained E5.75/t. That's roughly equivalent to a jump of AUD$9.66 when taking cross currency variations into account. There was a significant decrease in canola basis here yesterday. Basis is the amount of premium or discount the cash market has above or below the underlying futures contract. Paris rapeseed / canola basis slipped AUD$8.58 yesterday to minus AUD$67.42 port Newcastle. With further gains in oilseeds across the board overnight we can only hope that the local trade look to offer some of that basis reduction back today in the form of a rally of more than $10. With good rains expected across the US soybeans states over the next 7 days and a WASDE due out tonight, one can't help but think was last night's gains in soybeans more technical in nature than fundamental. US wheat futures found some technical trade ahead of the WASDE. Some punters pointed to Russia's lack of interest in extending the Black Sea Grain Corridor deal as reason to rally, talk about the boy who cried wolf. It's in both Russia's and Ukraine's interest to keep the deal alive. You can't fund a war without exports can you, thus it's also in the EU and USA's interest to keep the corridor open. France recently made good arms sales to Ukraine and the US have pumped billions into Ukraine from the start. The weather forecast for Saskatchewan wasn't looking totally bleak yesterday, well that turned around today. The next 7 days look to be very dry. Heat will be mostly normal over the next seven days, but some models show the last week of July pushing as much as 5 - 7C above normal. Cash bids for new crop durum across SE Sask pushed C$7.52 higher on average for a Dec23 lift. Milling wheat for the same lift was also higher, up C$4.34 on average.