14/6/24 Prices

Chickpea values at the Delhi market made a slight recovery overnight, taking back a slice, but not all, of the current week on week losses. An 88Rs/Q jump in price is roughly equivalent to AUD$20.42 / tonne when taking the daily move between the Rs and AUD into account. This still equates to a week on week reduction of around AUD$12.66.
Local cash bids for new crop chicks are focusing on the Oct / November delivery period. This would enable the trade to pack and ship with enough time to avoid overlapping with Indian / Paki new crop becoming available. The December and January delivery slots here may find buyer resistance or lower bids as we move closer, but this will depend greatly on the season in India. Chickpea planting there will commence in late September and October.
Russia confirmed they have completed sowing durum in the Orenburg region. Area has increased 54.8kha to 427.5kha, year on year. This would see roughly 500kt of durum produced there. Looking at WorldAgWeather.com shows the region, north of western Kazakhstan, has seen excellent spring and summer rainfall this year. Potentially taking their average yields above the traditional 1-1.3t/ha.
Overnight durum prices out of Port La Nouvelle in SE France fell away substantially. In AUD terms, taking daily FX changes into account, the fall roughly converts to about AUD$22.00. A loss of this magnitude may weigh on local new crop contract values today. In Canada values for 1CWAD13 ex farm SE Saskatchewan for both new and old crop were also lower by C$4.00 to C$6.00 per tonne. The major durum region in Canada is seeing a mixed season to date, but generally the weather has been a little drier than average across southern Sask.
Overnight world wheat cash values were mostly flat to firmer when converted to AUD/tonne, the softer AUD helping a bit this morning.