Prices 28/9/16


I didn’t watch it, I don’t care about it and honestly I thought it was a foretold conclusion, the Clinton / Trump debate. Seriously, the US financial markets improved on the back of her performance against Trump…….seriously…… They expect us to believe that Trump was ever in the running. Merica……….you entertain if nothing else.

When Coles, Woolworths and Aldi sit at a table and discuss ways to increase their prices they stand the chance of a fine or possibly gaol time. When the oil producing countries do it the world doesn’t bat an eyelid. Oil was down US$1.00 / barrel as the cartels were unable to determine a way to reduce output in the short term.
While on wild conspiracy theories does anyone else think it strange that the EU put out a warning that Monsanto Glyphosate could be cancerous and then only a short while later an EU company looks to buy Monsanto……

Jordan is in the market for some US or Canadian wheat and barley this week. This may help the market discover some short term direction. Light showers across the Black Sea region will only go to help the winter wheat sowing in the long run.