8/10/21 Prices

A quick look at the world weather maps this morning shows that parts of the North American durum belt have seen just 30% of their average 90 days rainfall. There are large swaths of Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan still very dry with 30 and 14 days rainfall figures showing zero precipitation. Temperatures across these regions remain generally warmer than average too.
As for the HRWW belt and eastern corn belt and southern and central soybean regions and cotton region in the US too much rain continues to be a problem now they are into the reaping phase of most crops.
Further south in Argentina the wheat crop is seeing two extremes. Dry weather is persisting across Cordoba and Santa Fe in the north while further SE across the Pampas rainfall has been almost perfect. Argentina continues to struggle with political issues as well as weather.
Across Europe France is a little damp while Germany is a little dry but neither region is worrying about too much just yet. The damage had been done and sowing of next year’s winter crops is well underway.
Black Sea states are generally a little dry. Romania and eastern Ukraine are probably worth keeping an eye on. The Volga Valley is mixed but generally conditions there are OK south but looking dry north and west. Central west Russia is OK. Kazakhstan has seen some rain.
China continues to see heavy rain across the north in stark contrast to the south. Some parts of Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong have seen over 600% of normal rainfall for the last 14 days. These regions are also responsible for a large percentage of the Chinese winter wheat crop which is sown mostly in October. Keep an eye on this.