31/8/23 Prices

Egypt picked up 240kt of wheat overnight, interesting to see Russian wheat not on the bill. French and Romanian wheat filled the contract, 120kt of each. The French wheat filled the nearby slot at roughly US$279.50 per tonne CiF, Romanian wheat filling the late Oct / early Nov slot at US$275.75 delivered.
On the back of an envelope this value works out close to AUD$320 XF LPP. Safe to say east coast Aussie wheat was never in the race.
Of note also is the freight rate, back a little from recent rates, US$20.49 from France to Egypt. Black Sea rates from Romania to Egypt was said to be US$14.75, pretty close to recent rates.
Russia recently indicated an unofficial price floor of US$260 FOB Black Sea. The Romanian wheat was booked at US$261 FOB.
Tunisia issued a couple of tender requests yesterday. One for 50kt of feed barley and another for 75kt of durum. The durum only needs to have a HVC of 70%, so it’s basically a DR2 tender for min 78kg test weight. The FN is also as low as 250 seconds (DR3 200sec / DR2 300sec). Protein min is 12%. It will be interesting to see who picks this up. Will Mexican, French or Canadian durum be offered. It’s for shipment between Sept 5th and Oct 5th, maybe a little early for new crop Canadian, but there are early crop in the bin there now, of that grade.
This follows the publication of an Algerian tender for an unknown quantity of durum earlier in the week. The Algerian tender follows on from their cancelled tender earlier in the month, which was pulled due to offer prices being too high. A decision they may well regret making. Algeria do not make their tender data public but the trade usually have a good stab at the numbers and volume. It will be a good indicator to how the Tunisian tender will shape up.
StatsCanada pulled durum production back a little more than the trade expected to see, now estimated at 4.259mt, well below last years 5.79mt.