4/12/23 Prices

Cash wheat offers FOB US Pacific Northwest were generally a touch firmer, following the Chicago futures market higher. Last weeks US wheat sales volume took the market by surprise, 622,800t, it was even larger than the largest trade estimate...
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5/12/23 Prices

US soft red winter wheat futures at Chicago were helped higher on news that China had bought 440kt of US SRWW. The strength in soft wheat futures rolled through to a better close in both hard red winter wheat...
Read More: 5/12/23 Prices
6/12/23 Prices

The Algerian tender for 50kt of durum was completed earlier this week. Algeria do not make public their tender results. The trade usually speculate on both value and actual tonnage booked over the following days once the tender closes....
Read More: 6/12/23 Prices
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