Prices 2/5/19

The bargain hunters were back in the US wheat pits overnight. This appeared to trigger a round of short covering resulting in the market rally on the back of technical trade. Soft red wheat futures at Chicago fell 8.9% in April, let’s hope that the upside in last night’s...
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Prices 1/5/19

US wheat futures continue to stumble lower as crop condition ratings improve. The US looks likely to meet USDA export sales targets but the shipping pace remains a little slow leaving many to think that there will simply be more wheat left to move than the USDA projected by...
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Prices 30/4/19

The 2019 wheat crop tour in the USA got underway yesterday and will conclude on Thursday evening US time. I’m not sure what they will do to determine yields this year with only around 5% of the crop expected to be in head by the end of the week....
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Prices 29/4/19

The cold, wet weather that is delaying corn sowing in the USA and supporting the yellow grains price at the futures market has a flip side and the prospect of corn acres swapping out to soybeans if there are further delays is now hurting soybean futures. As if soybeans...
Read More: Prices 29/4/19