Prices 27/9/19

Wheat futures in the US saw a reversal on what has been happening all week. Last night spring wheat futures fell away while soft and hard red winter wheat futures moved higher. Spread trade & profit taking maybe, technical trade most likely. There’s no new fuel for the fire...
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Prices 26/9/19

US hard red and soft red winter wheat futures continued to fall as they face stiff competition into the feed market from both US and Canadian spring wheat that has been downgraded in recent weeks and corn production that is a little better than expected. The wet harvest has...
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Prices 25/9/19

In the USA and Canada spring wheat values continue to climb on quality concerns. In yesterday’s USDA crop condition report the area of harvested spring wheat in the USA did increase from 76% the prior week to 87% in the last week. Normally for this time of year the...
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Prices 24/9/19

In the USA wheat and corn futures were flat to softer in overnight trade. Wheat continues to be weighed down by large global stocks and poor quality in the US soft and hard red wheat crops. Once again spring wheat futures bucked the trend and pushed higher. There has...
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Prices 23/9/19

In the USA profit taking and technical trade dominated the session seeing most grains close the sessions lower. Spring wheat futures kicked the trend as weather issues in the US remain a major problem and continue to delay the harvest and downgrade what wheat is still left in the...
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Prices 19/9/19

Weaker oil prices continue to put pressure on the oilseed market. After the massive oil rally on Monday the soybeans and canola market has basically been retreating. Confirmation of US soybean sales to China couldn’t stop the retreat. I guess a sale isn’t a sale until it’s loaded and...
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Prices 17/9/19

September futures rolled off the board at Chicago with December now becoming the nearby contract.  Oil took the spot light and surging energy prices created some spill over buying in the grains. Oil was higher on multiple attacks on the world’s largest oil production facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia....
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Prices 16/9/19

China appear to be the real winners in the US soybean tariff war. Basically the US price of soybeans has fallen since China walked away from US beans. China bought a bunch of beans from Brazil, prices in Brazil were supported but are now very close to par with...
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Prices 13/9/19

US grain futures were higher after the USDA report offered support and US soybean sales to China produced spill over buying for the other grains. The USDA left corn planted acres and harvested acres unchanged but reduced expected yield resulting in a lower production estimate. A yield of 10.55t/ha...
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Prices 12/9/19

US grain futures fell on a better weather outlook. Warm weather is expected to persist through grain fill allowing late sown summer crops to finish without any frost issues. Wheat futures were caught up in the selling in corn and soybeans and closed lower in sympathy. The USDA WASDE...
Read More: Prices 12/9/19