4/8/21 Prices

Cash bids for 1CWAD13 durum out of SE Saskatchewan were steady in overnight trade. A December lift is now bid at C$475.58 per tonne ex farm SE Sask. On the back of an envelope this would equate to something close to AUD$586 /tonne delivered Newcastle port.
This is using a farm to FOB basis for SE Sask of C$100. This basis has varied from as little as C$76 to as much as C$174 this year.
Obviously there is a level of drought premium being factored into the Canadian price.
To get another comparison we can look at what French durum is offered or bid at into the Italian market of FOB France. These prices too are encouraging for durum with the last price for French durum delivered port La Pallice for Dec > March at E355 per tonne. Working this back to an AUD port equivalent is a bit of an exercise in estimates at present given the volatility in ocean rates and ship availability but using a rough price it compares well with a Newcastle port price of approximately AUD$467. Sounds about right if the trade are working of roughly AUD$20 margin +/- a bit.
We see Pakistan in the market for 400kt of milling wheat. Japan looking for 321kt of US, Canadian or Aussie wheat. Taiwan is looking for 48kt of US milling wheat. A closer look at Pacific markets comparing US DNS and Canadian spring wheat out of the PNW to Australian wheat into SE Asian shows the US DNS 13% product valued at roughly equivalent to AUD$457 Newcastle. The Canadian equivalent at roughly AUD$465 equivalent while bids for APH2 here are AUD$346. This may influence one to think grade spreads here should rally.