28/2/25 Prices

International futures markets were a sea of red last night, nearby Chicago corn and wheat pushing into double digit losses. The weaker AUD will help counter a good slice of the negativity today, but it will have its work cut out for it to cover the move lower in...
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27/2/25 Prices

What would the end of the Russia / Ukraine war mean for Australian grain prices. It’s a complex question, the complexity of the answer is also being further exacerbated by the current US craving for import tariffs, who and how will exporters / importers retaliate to these tariffs. At...
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26/2/25 Prices

US grain futures were generally lower, wheat led the pack shedding 6.25c/bu (-AUD$3.62/t) on nearby Chicago SRWW. Spring wheat futures at Minneapolis were hit hardest, closing 8.5c/bu (AUD$4.92/t) lower nearby. Chicago corn futures shed a couple of cents a bushel and soybeans were mixed, nearby a smidge firmer, outer...
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25/2/25 Prices

World grain futures markets are a sea of red this morning. London feed wheat, Paris milling wheat, all three US wheat grades, Chicago corn and soybeans, Paris rapeseed and Winnipeg canola are all lower. The biggest losers appear to be Winnipeg canola and Paris rapeseed. Although lower nearby, palm...
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24/2/25 Prices

US futures were mixed, wheat tried to take back some value, succeeding in soft and hard red winter wheat futures but failing in nearby spring wheat futures. Either way the move in wheat was against the flow in corn and soybean futures, both shedding value and weighing on the...
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21/2/25 Prices

US wheat futures seem to be happy to trade around current values +/-. The combination of a slightly firmer AUD and lower futures may weigh a little on local track values here today, but the firmer AUD may also help to claw back some of the recent basis losses...
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20/2/25 Prices

US wheat futures gave back a slice of the recent rally overnight. Nothing has changed a great deal from a fundamental perspective. NW Kansas is seeing temperatures down around -20C. Further south towards the Oklahoma border overnight minimums were around -15C +/-, which is very cold. The snow cover...
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19/2/25 Prices

Most international grain futures closed in the green last night. The Euro markets and US markets were higher apart from Winnipeg canola which stumbled a little, closing slightly lower on the nearby months. Both Paris milling wheat and US HRWW futures were higher, Paris putting on €3.25/t in the...
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18/2/25 Prices

The US markets were closed for Presidents Day, leaving the corn bulls with little to eat and global wheat markets somewhat directionless. Paris milling wheat found a direction in time, downwards, if in doubt sell it out. Nearby milling wheat futures shed €3.25, the May slot –€2.00 and the...
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It appeared to be all about US wheat futures last night. Lately the futures market seems to be responding more like a “past” market than a “futures” market. The USDA will release some slightly bullish data, say good export numbers, on the day the market will fall, only to...
Read More: 17/2/25Prices