6/10/23 Prices

Funds remain net sellers even though we saw a little upside in wheat and corn futures at Chicago last night. Corn futures found support from some solid US export numbers. At 2.42mt it was towards the higher end of the trade estimates prior to the release. Producer sales have...
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5/10/23 Prices

International wheat futures closed lower, Chicago SRWW and HRWW both falling. Minneapolis spring wheat joined the HRW contract and settled with double digit losses as the funds jumped back on the sell side, which they’ve actively participated in all year. London feed wheat futures slipped lower, shedding £1.15 in...
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4/10/23 Prices

Durum imports into the EU, mainly Italy, remain very strong. Turkey and Russia remain the main suppliers at this stage. The size of the purchases has taken a few analyst by surprise. Prices have improved over the last couple of months but given the volume of imports one may...
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3/10/23 Prices

The USDA weekly crop progress report was out last night. The US corn crop is estimated at 23% harvested. Corn condition rating was adjusted a little but the same net result in the G/E rating, last week 44/9 – 53% G/E, this week 43/10 – 53% G/E. US soybeans...
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29/9/23 Prices

Both spring wheat and hard red winter wheat futures in the US continue to fall. Pressure on these two grades is coming from not only slow demand due to higher prices that were expected to ration demand, but also from the stronger USD this week. Although weekly US wheat...
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28/9/23 Prices

International sentiment was mixed, no news to exactly explain the sharp sell off in higher grade US wheat. Egypt confirmed the purchase of 170kt of milling wheat from Bulgaria and Romania.               The tender saw some Russian wheat offered at US$270 FOB Black...
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27/9/23 Prices

There is talk the Canadian government may block the planned merger between grain giants Bunge and Viterra (Glencore). The combined entity would be worth an estimated US$34Bn and would create an entity rivaling ADM and Cargill in the region. Both Viterra and Bunge hold rail and port facilities. The...
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26/9/23 Prices

There were rumours yesterday that Turkey was about to ban the export of durum wheat. This comes after a very aggressive selling period after a record crop was produced in eastern Turkey this year. Turkey, if able to export what they are currently projected to, could become the worlds...
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25/9/23 Prices

There was little change in US and EU wheat futures overnight. Paris milling wheat in the Dec23 slot actually closing unchanged at E235.75. Winnipeg canola futures continued to come under some harvest pressure, futures values slipping C$3.50 in the Jan24 slot. Cash bids out of SE Saskatchewan for canola...
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22/9/23 Prices

US grain futures found pressure from harvest in corn and soybeans as well as a firmer US dollar. Fundamentally world cash values were more or less flat with Algeria and Egypt picking up wheat this week at around US$270-5 C&F, pretty much where values were last week. Paris milling...
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