Prices 28/8/16

In US futures markets we see soybeans dragging everything lower, especially ICE canola futures. After opening the session weaker soybeans headed south in a big way. The current crop tour scouting through Illinois bean fields tend to think the USDA maybe currently underestimating the potential yield of the US...
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Prices 25/8/16

Russian wheat harvest is progressing well now with around 2.8mha more cut than this time last year. Overall production is up around 8% and still points towards a record wheat crop out of the Black Sea region for 2016. Quality is expected to be mixed with higher grades in...
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Prices 19/8/16

US grain markets closed flat after shedding a few dollars early in the session. The weaker US dollar helped counter the move lower in values early in the day but may see local merchants here struggle to sustain current bids. The AUD was stronger against the USD but weaker...
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Prices 18/8/16

Soybean futures at Chicago once again lead the US grain markets higher. Another 380kt of beans were pencilled in for China overnight, 130kt of corn was switched from corn to beans. Generally the fundamentals for wheat, corn and soybeans in the US tends to be bearish if anything. Not...
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Prices 17/8/16

Uninteresting two sided trade dominated the US grain markets overnight. Wheat was mixed but generally higher, corn either side of unchanged and soybeans were a little softer. The USDA crop progress report came out yesterday morning and showed little had changed in condition ratings week on week and harvest...
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Prices 16/8/16

Soybeans were the star performer last night after a number of recent US sales continue to support the market. Old crop carry over is going to be lower than expected according to the USDA and soybean oil is also getting a little tight. The US is still expecting to...
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Prices 15/8/16

It was a typical sell the rumour buy the fact type of session once the USDA put their numbers on the table. US corn is projected with record yields, we all knew that. Instead of falling on the confirmation it closed slightly higher. US soybeans, record production, beans had...
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Prices 12/8/16

The punters were more concerned with what the USDA might do with corn and bean production in tonight’s USDA report than any physical fundamental news in last night’s markets. More good sales of US soybeans were reported overnight and Germany joined the list  of EU states cutting wheat production....
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Prices 10/8/16

With a WASDE report due out off the US on Friday the market seems pretty happy to tread water at present. Wheat at Chicago, Kansas and Minny were all trading a very narrow range overnight and corn pushed 3c lower. Soybeans were a little more active but ended the...
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Prices 9/8/16

Soybeans in the US closed higher on the back of what is shaping up to be a another massive week for US sales. Corn found support from a single sale but continues to struggle as what appears to be a big US corn crop approaches harvest without any major...
Read More: Prices 9/8/16