11/10/23 Prices

Some private estimates for the Argentine wheat crop are now coming in as low as 15mt. Conditions in Argentina have deteriorated further in the last month of so, soil now so dry in places it’s preventing the continuation of the corn plant. A look at World Ag Weather.com shows...
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10/10/23 Prices

Monday: Dry weather across the Western Australian wheat belt, especially in the north around Geraldton, is creating a few issues that are now becoming more evident as harvest starts. Wheat there is a reasonable test weight for some, around 76kg, and moisture is low and protein high, generally a...
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6/10/23 Prices

Funds remain net sellers even though we saw a little upside in wheat and corn futures at Chicago last night. Corn futures found support from some solid US export numbers. At 2.42mt it was towards the higher end of the trade estimates prior to the release. Producer sales have...
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5/10/23 Prices

International wheat futures closed lower, Chicago SRWW and HRWW both falling. Minneapolis spring wheat joined the HRW contract and settled with double digit losses as the funds jumped back on the sell side, which they’ve actively participated in all year. London feed wheat futures slipped lower, shedding £1.15 in...
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4/10/23 Prices

Durum imports into the EU, mainly Italy, remain very strong. Turkey and Russia remain the main suppliers at this stage. The size of the purchases has taken a few analyst by surprise. Prices have improved over the last couple of months but given the volume of imports one may...
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3/10/23 Prices

The USDA weekly crop progress report was out last night. The US corn crop is estimated at 23% harvested. Corn condition rating was adjusted a little but the same net result in the G/E rating, last week 44/9 – 53% G/E, this week 43/10 – 53% G/E. US soybeans...
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