25/3/22 Prices

Wheat, corn and soybean futures were all lower in overnight trade at Chicago. US exports have not been as high as the punters had expected to see. The Ukraine / Russia war which has resulted in the suspension of exports from Ukraine and greatly limited exports from Russia has...
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24/3/22 Prices

In the US soybean futures at Chicago were higher, having the best session of all the grains. Unfortunately, the up-tick in Chicago soybean futures didn’t roll through to better canola and rapeseed futures. In fact Paris rapeseed future on the nearby May22 slot saw a massive reduction, shedding E68.00...
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23/3/22 Prices

A disturbing consequence of the Russia / Ukraine war is the potential for instability in wheat import dependant countries like Egypt. The big news is the devaluation of the Egyptian pound by 14% as investors pulled the pin on Egypt. In an attempt to curb the out flow of...
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22/3/22 Prices

Chicago grain futures saw plenty of upside again overnight. Wheat, corn and soybean futures all closing in the green. Speculation around the ability of Ukraine to export current stock and to plant the next crop remain the catalyst for these moves. Weather models for the US called for severe...
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21/3/22 Prices

Old crop corn, wheat and soybeans at Chicago were lower overnight. Wheat sharply so. The Aussie dollar is also firmer against the US dollar. Combining the move in the AUD, -AUD$2.14/t and the move in nearby SRWW futures at Chicago, -AUD$16.98, in theory we have a plausible downside of...
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18/3/22 Prices

The punters are backing the RBA will follow US interest rates higher. Will this cool inflation or will it simply hammer a few more nails into already struggling businesses. With unemployment rates in Australia at a 13 year low in February, the punters may not be far off mark...
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17/3/22 Prices

The US wheat futures market is like a toddler on red cordial being injected directly into their heart, with a puppy and a pair of scissors. This is worth watching but it can get ugly real quick. As an 85c/bu fall in futures prices tends to indicate. Wheat prices...
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16/3/22 Prices

Covid is back in the Chinese equation again, it appears to be having more of an impact on their exports at present but was used as the catalyst for the sell-off in Chicago soybeans overnight. Not a massive fall lower compared to more recent market moves but with beans...
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15/3/22 Prices

The Aussie dollar is sharply lower this morning, back 1.32%. Talk of higher interest rates in the USA, the current inflation rate and low employment rate all key reasons to why they feel the need to grind the economy back into the dirt. When you do nothing but print...
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14/3/22 Prices

What a week for Chicago wheat futures, the now expired March contract starting the week at 1425.25c/bu (AUD$709.98) and falling to 1073.75c/bu (AUD$535.61) on Thursday and then finally finding, hopefully, a floor and rallying 16.25c/bu (AUD$8.10) last night. Although the Dec22 slot was not as volatile it too did...
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